Monday, January 16, 2012

White Beauty - Week 2 of 52

We have been in a deep freeze, at least for Chilliwack since Friday night...  the snow just keeps on falling and we are loving it!!  On Saturday morning, Ranen and I went out to visit Daddy in the snow and then built a snowman - the absolute perfect snow for a snowman!!  Ranen really seemed to enjoy herself!

Must say we almost slipped up on the challenge this week - what, you say - already?!  But I didn't!!!  Friday night, as I was laying in bed, almost sleeping I remembered that I hadn't taken a photo yet...  so I actually rolled out (even though I did contemplate taking a picture Saturday morning instead and just saying it was Fridays!!!) and set my camera to the largest iso, put it on manual focus and tried to hold VERY still, in order to capture a picture of Ranen sleeping in her dark room...  lets just say - we have a Friday picture even though it didn't turn out THAT great...

This week in pictures:


So happy to see Daddy - he was half way the barn and she literally ran all but 10 feet of it to get to him... :)


First some pictures of our morning rituals... Ranen always goes to the bathroom on the toilet before going in the bath and she thinks she is super cool to be a big girl!!

Popping bubbles...

Getting into tons of trouble with 'de de' (Cayden)

Apparently it is super funny to wipe the other's nose and say 'bah' - Ranen is laughing about it right now!!


Helicopters - Ranen is fascinated by them and knows that there are 4 of them in one of our magazines on the earthquake in Haiti...  I hid the magazine by my desk because I was tired of showing her the helicopters every 5 minutes - now she just climbs on my lap and says 'hecacoca hecacoca' until I show them to her!!


We went to Go Bananas with Auntie Christy and Auntie Cathrine...

 Sheldon and Ranen are super good buddies!


Saturday - snow day (and a clean the house day - what you say??  Clean the house!  Yup, I did :) even organized my closet!!  Don't know WHAT got into me!! ... much to Ben's delight - and mine too I must say!!)

yup... Jessie is pregnant again!!  The neighbour border collie got through the side truck window (not even 6 inches - no exageration!!) when we had her locked up... looks like she will be having puppies anyday now!  We are not too impressed!! Gave that neighbour SO many warnings, should have followed through on our threats!!

Now I am going to accomplish some real work and will keep on enjoying this winter wonderland!!

Keeping our sister-in-law Helen in our thoughts and prayers this week - hope that all may go well with your surgery.  Take care and LOVE YOU!!

Happy birthday to Dan - my little sister Laura's sweet heart!!


  1. AHA! you did get to 2/52:) I checked already a few times! Sure an easy habit to get into on the iPhone and free Wi-Fi and coffee breaks at work!

  2. Good to see the update Mar! KEEP 'EM COMING!!! Mom


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