Monday, June 3, 2013

What a week!

parties... cupcakes... dentist... camera... doctor... house cleaning... visit... walk!
This week was full, busy, and oh, so good!
We celebrated our little boy,
Ranen says 'Mister' turned 1!
We had a few parties for him...
and truth be told - I didn't take very many pictures!!
Mom took 1 picture on Monday evening and
thanks to Sarah I have a few pictures of the friends party ...
I had fun making Owen's cupcakes into his favourite tractor...
during field work Owen can hear the tractor revving by the end of the road,
beelines to the window and waves as it goes by - so cute!! 

We waited for Owen to wake from his morning nap before having the cupcakes...
hence his zoned out expression!!

so proud to blow out his candle...

After waking up!!

quite like this picture... everyone loving the new gifts!!  Thanks everyone!!
One of my favourite things to do...
go out on a walk in our 'back yard!' 

love, love, love...
how he enjoys his chocolate covered digestive cookie
- keeps him quiet and still for part of the way!
Climbing the rock pile to throw rocks for the dogs!! 

oh, my dear!! love you!
(just really wish you would leave your hair clips in!!
resorting to a hair cut next week!!)

Some way, some how this picture speaks to me!!
The rolling rock,
the chasing dogs,
the dog with leash dangling because beware if she sees a small dog
(could mean small dog no more!)
Owen strapped in or he would be dangling out, taking everything in
Ranen, head down, mind set on running, in her own world
Daddy in his proud glory with his gang!
(mom - behind camera!!
I am getting better - it only came out for the last 10% of the walk!)

'cotton snowstorm' - so glad I don't have allergies!

 Eagles - ready to make attacks on the heron nests...
Our home!!
Wednesday I had a little alone time... dentist and a few stops - was good!
Thursday - I bought my new camera!!  Oh, what a delight (NOT) to
find that it must be a faulty battery or something!
Battery won't charge - camera wont turn on!! Going back for new battery today...
Like really folks, don't you understand how big a step this is,
and battery's not working just isn't a possibility!!
Friday, Owen's 1 year check up :) Love the people at my doc office!
They are truely the best!
Also, got to see the resident doc who took out my stitches in my elbow...
and gave me some of the best news of the week!!
I had a lump removed 2 weeks ago - we knew from an ultrasound
in December that it was a tumour... so they removed it and sent it for testing...
it turns out to be just a benign mass... nothing to be concerned about!
Some people just grow them!
It has been weighing on my mind for months...
One more will be removed from my finger on Thursday...
This week:
1st!! drop Treena's canvas off to be shipped to Alberta!!
really hoping to get the soil mixed up with compost and into my raised beds!
Want to get my garden planted along with greenhouse things transplated!
Grass will be getting cut - 2nd cut!
Some much overdue visits planned...
sun, sun, sun
(glad I cleaned house last week - but with this sun, I am going to have
to do my upmost to try not neglect it this week!!)
most importantly, spend some quality time with my 'little' brother,
love you Iv!... xo
He is soon to grad - class valedictorian!
His hard work and dedication is paying off...
accepted into the early registration for the bachelor of science program at UFV,
will receive the UFV Excellence Entrance Scholarship!
A true dear, a wonderful Uncle, a fabulous brother!


  1. That picture of Ben, the kids and the dogs IS awesome !!! Many nice pictures, actually. Hope you thoroughly enjoy your new camera, NOT NICE that it won't charge. SO. VERY. GLAD. you don't have PRINTED MATTER dictating what to do day by day anymore;) ENJOY THE SUNSHINE:) Mom

  2. 1. Wow Steve is losing hair!! Must not have seen him in a while:)
    2. Owen sure looking a lot like Ranen in the scrunched up face pic:)
    3. Love his 'happy and awake' spikey hair pics:)
    4. Ranen is getting so old looking in her dress on the walk pics!!!
    5. Great dogs in action shot:)
    6. Iver is a dedicated guy!! GREAT accomplishments there!!
    7. Beautiful family you have there!

  3. Looks like you've had a busy but awesome week! You're sure a great photographer Mar, I love so many of those shots!
    Owen is such a dear! That pic of his face smeared with cupcake, poky spikes in his hair and a big grin bursting across his face is absolutely adorable.
    And I must agree with Aunt Carla, Ranen looks so old in those pics, and she is sure growing up!

    Way to go Iv! You sure put a lot of effort into school! I can't wait till your at UFV with me and I can see you there every day, perhaps carpool (that means no more lonely hour of driving for me everyday!), study together, and all that jazz! Can't wait!

    Have fun this week and hope you get your 'to do' list done!
    xoxo Laura

  4. Thanks for the comments :) Love reading them!! xo


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