Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Family Day...

... when family is some of your favourite people!!!

Such a great day...
and a fantastic workout!!

approximately 50 km of biking :)
pulling a bike trailer
with 80 - 90 lbs!

What a great day we had
biking along boundary bay!
We started at Centennial Beach
(with a awesome playground!!)
and almost to Highway 91

Ranen biked approx 10 km by herself

then we locked her bike to a pole and she hoped in my trailer...
nothing like pulling a good 90lbs!!
Was great - till we turned back and realized I had to bike against the wind!!
Was a great workout!! 
Owen was on the back of Dad's bike... after our little stop for lunch
Dad took Ranen for a while back to her bike!!
Sure notice a difference weight wise Owen versus Ranen hey Dad!!

glad she caused your quads a little workout too! :)

 Lunch at a little airport, naturally :)
Just a few cessnas strapped down, and we got to watch one land!
Made the kids' day!!


This playground tho... it was a good one!!

Hope you all had a great family day too!!

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