Monday, March 4, 2013

Last day...

... as owner of Printed Matter!!
3 1/2 years of great memories,
even though it was busy (often crazy busy!)
it has been GREAT!
Yet, I am excited to turn a page...
Mixed emotions,
it is a bitter sweet day for me...
We bought this company when we lost Landon,
in an effort to keep me from sinking too low,
in an effort to keep me busy.
It is a great little company - I have enjoyed it so much
and still love doing the work that I do
but above all that, I treasure my family so much more
and know that I am going to be so happy
to spend extra hours with my most fabulous hubby
and our darling two little kidlets!
They need me, I need them.
Ranen tells people
"pretty soon my Mommy not going to work anymore"
and I proudly smile beside her!
I am so thrilled to be a full time mommy!
(just wait till the disciplining starts, Ranen, and maybe
you will wish I was still working!!)
Looking forward to providing the immediate attention
that the kidlets want:
dropping down and doing a puzzle,
playing ring-a-rosy,
giving airplane rides,
oh the list goes on!!
Also, looking forward to being able to keep up with my
house/yard work!!  I know I am not the type to have
everything immaculate but I know that
I will be happier with a little more order!!
Hello gardening, painting and daily exercise
Good bye cobwebs, dirty windows and 5 a.m.'s
It helps that I am confident in that the business is going to
some qualified, good hands!!
Have fun with it Kim!!  It is GRAND!
Contact her, she is looking forward to serving you!!
Certain people deserve major thank yous:
Thanks to my fabulous customers -
you're support has encouraged me!
I appreciate being able to work with/for such wonderful people
Wishing you all the best!
Friends and family,
who have all supported me,
who have felt ignored by me in my busy times,
I hope to make it up a little...
Cathrine, Cayden and Sierra - every Tuesday
you made the drive,
never complained,
to lend me a HUGE helping hand!
Oh, I am crying writing this - how do I thank you enough!!
Because of you Cath,
I was able to keep my brave face on :)
(when it was all too much, cause really, trying
to run a business, while maintaining a household and
loving and doting on two kids and a hubby isn't exactly recommended!)
You were there, a phone call and you would come!
I love you to the moon and back!!
Now, for those play dates that we always talk about...
Opa and Oma Lindhout - a phone call away!
Yes, you are always ready to lend a hand...
whether it is stapling/folding church paper, doing my laundry,
tidying my kitchen, hole-punching papers, coil binding...
the list goes on...
You are the best grandparents ever!
You freely give of yourselves and expect
nothing in return (other than supper!!:)
We have been so blessed to have you around so often
and will treasure the memories for a long time!
Mom & Dad - always lending an ear,
whenever I needed to vent,
you have grounded me so often,
Thanks so much for taking the kids, when you heard in my voice
that I needed some uninterrupted working time!
Dad, your help with the canvases - nothing short of marvelous work that you do!
Thanks so much for supporting me!
I can always count on you to be there for me and for that
I love you like crazy!!
Hope you are ready to have me crash in your house
for some coffees and lunches!
Ben - I don't know what to say!!
You have surrounded me with so much love and support
through thick and thin - sometimes you were at
your wits end, having to give so much, to enable me to continue
with my work load!
You've seen all sides of me, my brave face and my fall apart moments,
and you're the only one I would share everything with!
You truly are amazing and I am so blessed to be married to you!
I am married to the best man ever!
(I know everyone says this - but in my case it is so true!!)
Thanks, thanks, and thanks again!!
(and yes, I will make you some good homemade bread...)
It is a good day!!
February turned into a busy month...
missed blogging a few important moments!
One of which, my dear nephew - Tanner's 1st birthday one week ago!
Happy birthday buddy... looking forward to spending more time with you guys!

 with his wonderful, beautiful Mommy!...
 Owen chilling by auntie Richelle!
walking at 11months!!
The phone war: -just before leaving...
had to see who could get the funniest thing on their phone
to see who could get the most kids by them... 

We made cupcakes for Daddy and Auntie Corina when they came
in for lunch!  Auntie Laura came by after university too!!
Ranen asked Corina the day before - will you be my valentine?
such excitement!!
bike rides with Opa and Oma:
Jolly jumper duos in double door frame!! - the best!! 

... see the adoration for her big cousin!!
... back to work (for the last day!)


  1. I wish you the very best with your future endeavors! You have done much beautiful work! Now YOU get to set the pace, not your customers. I look forward to "unhurried" visits and little outings here and there:) I will help you paint your family room sometime, if you like. Then you can hang up that photo collage you've been dreaming of. But, first, enjoy the moments of doing nothing... Love, Mom

  2. It has definately been a pleasure "working" (if you can call it may be a better word:))for you! Will miss those crazy talks of ours about everything and anything! Looking foreward to the playdates:)
    xx Cathrine

  3. There's a time for everything!!! (Maybe NOW we can go for lunch??:)


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