The last two weeks have been super busy...
(with tons of picture taking apparently!!!)
the two surprises that consumed much of our time
have been completed!! - just waiting for the
right time to gift them and then we can
let you know about them!
Colic, colic, and a bit more colic...
but we have found some relief for it!!
If you have ever had a baby cry scream for 6 days
straight, whenever he is awake,
you would know what it feels like to lose your sanity a little!!
Then we found a little relief but the colic came back!!
Now, we are on to 7 good GREAT days!
Our natural remedy for colic:
a few drops of aloe vera juice and crack open a child's
probiotic pill and sprinkle in a bit of probiotic powder
to baby's bottle...
oh, and cammomile tea is a natural gripe water!
so far, its working like a charm and
we aren't about to mess with it :)
... but he is growing like crazy and filling our hearts with love :)
He smiled on Saturday morning for the first time!
Ranen - she is talking up a storm and a true
BIG sister... hears Owen peep and runs for his soother/bottle, etc.
Great times!
Making towers out of toilet paper...
and helping bath Owen:
(taken about a week earlier than the picture with the towel... yup, he's growing!! and fast!!)
We actually made time to go for a walk to see the herons and Daddy in the field!! :)
Ranen had a lot of fun falling and rolling in the tall grass beside the road!
Off to the farm to see Daddy:
Some of my favorite Ranen with calf shots :)
Ranen has been scared of the swing for over a half a year but now likes it again!
(Thanks Laura for some pics of me!!)
The day of Laura's grad banquet I headed to Dad and Mom to take some pictures of Laura...
love this picture of them feeding bottles!
Taking time to smell the 'lavender'
Laura graduated...
with high HONOURS!!
Laura, your determination, dedication, willingness
and persistance has paid off...
She was rewarded with
- a bursary from the school,
- a scholarship from the school for highest marks,
-a citizens award for community involvement, respect, etc.
- a scholarship from UFV (her university of choice)
-the governor general's award
- a science award/medal (for highest marks in 4 grade 12 level sciences)
- a scholarship from our youth group
- a rotary scholarship
Congrats Laura - we love you!
Laura you looked STUNNING!!
Laura with Dan! ... doesn't he look handsome with his matching tie!
Laura you looked STUNNING!!
Have a great week... I'm off to bed :)