Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Oma!

Congratulations with your birthday Oma... although you live a province away from us we think of you often and wish you the best as you celebrate your birthday today!

Oma is a sweet, caring, beautiful woman who loves to garden and enjoys making others happy...  here are a few pictures of her...

About 23 years ago...  Opa and Oma with me!

Opa and Oma with the 5 oldest from our family

Oma, you are a wonderful person...  wishing you a great day!


  1. Well Put! I would have to agree Oma is very loving and always puts everybody else first. Happy Birthday Oma :)

    XO Chelsey

  2. How awesome to be sitting in McDonalds in Osoyoos and see my dear mother on pics!!! Thanks Minny! And another big Happy Birthday to my Mom;) wish I could pop in for a coffee and klets;) xoxo to Mom and Min! CN


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